I am slowly transfering my Resources page to the new website. If you need something, or an english version… email me!
- Tokens and envelops (to makes exchanges in base 10)
- Number line (minimal, but functional!)
- Multibase cubes representations (for illustration)
- Base 10 Cubes (nothing special spécial)
- Grille Plus Plus a flexible number grid
- Multiplication décimaux (or here) a visualisation of decimals multiplication
- CrackCalc! a broken/breakable claculator
- Fractions Multiplication to multiply fractions with rectangles
- Fractions Addition on a segment
- Fractions Substraction on a segment
- Abacus to present numbers in various base
- A mathematical BINGO for primary level students
- Number train to practice regularity while representing numbers with base 10 blocs
- Numeration Carpet (to the 1/1000)
- Number table (similar but with numbers from 0 to 10, like an abacus)
- A 3D visualization game with solids
- Archeo, a game involving reading a grid
- Petite page pour construire les 5 tetrominos
- Simple isometry game in geogebra Sauter! Glisser!
- Visualisation of a un triangle on a sphere and the sum of its internal angles.
- Visualisation of the projection of a tetraedron on a plan (nice with graph theory)
- Visualisation of a line as the intersection of two plans.
- Visualisation of how 2 vectors and a point determine a plan.
Probability and statistics
- The 3 discs simulation
- The mysterious bottle simulation
- Adding dices simulation
- Monty Hall very simple simulation
- Popular! a statistic game where you create surveys and collect answers
- Scratch! sur le site du MIT ou en téléchargement pour mettre sur son ordinateur.
- Programmation par blocs sur une tablette:
- Envirionnement P5Visuel:
- P5Visuel. P5Visuel est un environnemnet de programmation par blocs permettant de générer du code Javascript. C’est l’oeuvre d’André Boileau, qui en donne une excellente présentation sur son site: http://www.math.uqam.ca/~boileau/p5VisuelWEB
Other things…
- Exemple avec le Calcul de décimales de Pi avec la fomule de Madhavi
- Autres documents : http://tiny.cc/programmation