“No field of inquiry grows in the absence of perceived anomalies; neither does the individual develop in a non-problematic environment” – S.L. Brown. Towards a Pedagogy of Confusion,
Author: Maheux, Jean-François
Online Conference on Mentoring in Phnom Phen!
I am now taking part in organizing, and acting as Chair of the international Program Committee, a conference on Mentoring educators in Cambodia. This is quite a challenge, but also lots of fun. We have an amazing group of people from all over the word contributing to this thanks to the energy and devotion of Pr. Chan Roath and Dr. Catherine Prammer, plus a bunch of other people really! It is all going to be online (thanks to the pandemic), but we hope to be able to also have about 150 local participants. I’ll add the link to the website …
Bourdieu: The summum of the art…
The summum of the art, in the social sciences, is … to be capable of engaging very high “theoretical stakes” by means of very precise and often apparently very mundane, if not derisory, empirical objects (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992, p. 220). Bourdieu, P., & Wacquant, L.J.D (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Cours – Archives
Voici une liste des cours que j’ai donnés dans le passé, avec quelques liens toujours actifs… Faute d’espace sur le serveur, certains documents des cours manqueront. Si vous êtes intéressé par quelque chose qui n’est plus là, simplement me faire signe par email. 2014-2015 MAT865N: MAT1011* MAT2300 * À partir de ce moment j’ai utilisé Moodle comme support. 2013-2014 MAT7120: Séminaire en didactique des mathématiques MAT1015: MAT865M: 2012-2013 MAT1026: Didactique de l’arithmétique MAT865B: Transitions Interordres 2011-2012 MAT8200: Dynamique des apprentissages en classe de mathématiques MAT2027: Didactique de la mesure et de la géométrie 2010 MAT1026: Didactique de l’arithmétique MAT7120: Séminaire …
Fall 2019 – MAT1026
During Fall Semester 2019, I am teaching MAT1026: a math. method course on teacing arithmetics.
Bridging Maths and Arts
The 2019 BRIDGES conference on Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture will take place at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria this year from July 16 to 20. I plan on being there and present a paper on Experiencing Mathematics through Astonishment. Here is the abstract! In this paper, I briefly explore the notion of astonishment as a way to experience mathematics as work-of-art. I engage with the concept through some scholarly work, and the discuss episodes from my mathematics education researches in which aspects can be observed, and questions can be raised.
The math done to us in Utrecht
I am back from a short trip to Utrecht, where we had a nice little conference on the theme of Mathematical Ability. It was good to meet some very interesting people. Abstracts are on the conference website, and a printout of the powerpoint I used for one of my presentation (About the Mathematics that is done to US) is on my Publications page.
AMQ 2018: Numbers in Scratch
This year I am offering a workshop at AMQ: An introduction to coding in Scratch while constructing some numbers.